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Fresh Croissants


Eating in France is a most delightful experience, whether it is in the great centres of culinary excellence or at a simple, unpretentious bar in a small and remote village. Everyone has to eat, to survive, but the French have made an art of it, and French cuisine is both varied and delicious. It can take many visits before you realise how central a role food plays in French life. No stay in Les Granels during your French holiday, is complete without experiencing some of the treats of the local cuisine!

There seems to be a place to eat around every corner. Most restaurants offer a four course "Menu du Jour" (Menu of the Day), which is normally good value and a great way to experience the local food. Also available in some establishments you may get offered a two course option "Entrée et Plat" (Starter & Main Course) or "Plat et Dessert" (Main Course & Dessert).

Our suggestions

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